About Candida

My Experience
- Reiki Master/Teacher
- Theta Healing Practitioner
- Initiate of Kriya Yoga
- Certified Spiritual/Life Coach
My Education
- Healthcare Certificate
- Certificate in Massage
- Certificate in Physiology and Anatomy
- Bowen Therapy
- Certified Hypnotherapist
- Certified Yoga Teacher
- Certificate in Advanced Yoga Meditation – 16 years
- Initiate of Kriya Yoga
Hello! I’m Candida
Reiki Master, Yoga Teacher, Spiritual Life Coach Hypnotherapist and Energy Healer
Candida is very passionate about life, living, health, wellbeing of body, mind and spirit, ongoing learning and evolution and the knowing that in order to do better, we need to feel better. She believes that disease and ill health are due to imbalances within our body, mind and spirit and that our natural state is to be in balance and excellent health – to that end, the restoration of balance, she directs a great deal of her energy and focus.
Throughout her life experiences, culminating in later years in those of mother, mother-in-law, grandmother and health therapist, she has come to learn about her passion for life and living – particularly the journey of her life purpose. She believes emphatically, that we are here to live and learn through health and joy – that we don’t have to suffer in order to learn – to live our best life in health and balance. One of her main beliefs is; the importance of doing that through the truth of the heart – thereby continually evolving. Further to that she strongly believes that we are all permeated by an invisible force or structure, that connects us all to each other and makes us, at our deepest level, as one, and with a depth of feeling that we all want to be happy and none of us want to suffer and that because of this invisible connection, what happens to one of us happens to us all, on some level.
Therefore all her work points towards connecting with our inner centre of truth and love, which encompasses balanced health of body, mind and spirit. She does this in various ways, with the many different health therapies and teaching she practises, depending on client requirement, as she understands we are all unique and we can be drawn to different ways of achieving the same outcome.
At the same time, her work also stems from universal principles and ancient Yogic teachings and philosophies and the empowerment these bring. Most importantly she is acutely aware that it is very easy to lose equilibrium in life and of the necessity of having the skills to regain and then maintain this equilibrium. It is the attaining and maintaining of this equilibrium that also underpins all her work.
She has been studying advanced Yogic philosophies, teachings and meditation with her Spiritual Teacher for the past 16 years. During this time she has connected with and expanded many aspects of her life and soul through focus, discipline and advanced practices and she has a strong dedication to passing on her wisdom, knowledge and healing techniques for the empowerment of others.